(Notre bibliothèque / our library)
Anonymes | A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | IJK | L | M | NO | PQ | R | S | TUV | W | XYZ |
* = non consultable / not available for consultation
- Pompeu Rahola, Petites bêtes à 6 pattes, Ill. de l’auteur, Arles, Actes Sud, 2005.
- Walter Rammner, Tierleben im Tümpel. Zoologische Beobachtungen Am Ufer, Volk und Wissen, Bertlin, Verlag GMBH, 1947.
- René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire des insectes, Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1737.*
- Michel Reboux, L’insecte, ce martien et l’homme, Découvertes, Tours, Imprimerie Mane. 1957.
- Chester Albert Reed, Nature Studies in field and wood, New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1911.
- Helgard Reichholf-Riehm, Les Insectes, Paris, France-Loisirs, 1985.
- George K. Reid, Ecology of Inland Waters and Estuaries, New York, D.Van Nostrand Company, 1961.
- George K. Reid & Herbert S. Zim & George S. Fichter, Pond Life, Golden Nature Guide, New-York, Golden Press, 1967.
- George K. Reid & Herbert S. Zim & George S. Fichter, Pond Life, Ill. Kaicher Sally D. & Dolan Tom. Golden Guide, New York, St Martin’s Press, 2001.
- Jeanne E. Remington, Les Insectes, Marabout Service Color, 1975.
- Jeanne E. Remington, Les insectes du monde, Neuchâtel, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1975.
- Victor Rendu, Moeurs pittoresques des Insectes. Hachette, Paris, 1870.
- Victor Rendu, Moeurs pittoresques des Insectes. Hachette, Paris, 1872. M.B.
- Victor Rendu & Ambroise Rendu, Nouveau spectacle de la nature ou Dieu et ses œuvres, Paris, Editions Pïtois-Levrault, 1840.
- J. Rengade, La création naturelle et les êtres vivants, Paris, M.Dreyfous, 1883-1885.
- James Rennie, The Natural History of Insects, Londres, John Murray, 1830.*
- James Rennie, Insect Architecture, Londres, Charles Knight, 1840.*
- James Rennie, Insect Architecture to which are added Miscellanies on the ravages the preservation for purpose of study and The Classification of Insects, Londres, Charles Knight, 1857.*
- Herbert Reusch & Peter Haase, Rote Liste derin Niedertsachsen und bremen gefährdeten Eintags-, Stein und Köcherfliegen, Hildesheim, Niedersachsen, 2000.
- O. M. Reuter, Insekternas, Levnadsvanor och Instinkter, Stockholm, Beijer Bokförlagsaktiebolag, 1913.
- Christopher Reynolds. The Pond on My Window-sill. The story of a freshwater aquarium, Londres, Andre Deutsch, 1969.
- Richard & Weber, Biologisches Unterrrichts-Werk, Tierkunde III, Munich, Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, 1951.
- George Fleming Richardson, An introduction to Geology ans its Associate Sciences : Mineralogy, Fossil, Botany , and Paleontology, Londres, Bohn, 1855.*
- Norman D. Riley, Insects in Colour, Ill. Edgar Hahnewald, Blandfort Colour series, Londres, Blandford Press, 1963.
- J. E. Roberts, A year with nature, Londres, Edward Arnold, 1951.
- Paul.-A. Robert, Les insectes I, Neuchâtel, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1960.
- Mary Roberts, The annals of my village : being a calendar of nature, for every month in the year, Londres, J. Hatchard, 1831.*
- Forster Robson, Pond and Stream Life, Londres, Homden & Hardingbam, 1916.
- Verne N. Rockcastle & Jeannette Bakke, Pond Life, Cornell Science Leaflet, vol. 60, n°2, Ithaca, New York State College of Agriculture, 1967.
- F. Roman, Paléontologie et Zoologie, Collection Payot n°30, Paris, Payot, 1923.
- Herbert Holdsworth Ross, The caddis flies or Trichoptera of Ilinois, Urbana Illinois, 1972.
- Herbert Holdsworth Ross, Evolution and classification of the mountain Caddisfles, Urbana University of Illinois Press. 1956.
- Herbert Holdsworth Ross, « Evolution of Caddisworm cases and nets », in Nicholas E. Collias & Elsie C. Collias (Edited), External Construction by animals, Stroudsburg (Pennsylvanie), Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, 1976.
- Mandy Ross, Ötökät, Londres, Usborn, 1997.
- Jean Rostand, Insectes, Paris, Flammarion, 1936.
- Michael Rothenstein, Drawing and Paintings aged 4-9,1912-1917, Londres, Redstone Press, 1986.
- Louis Roule, La vie des rivières, Paris, Stock, 1990
- Franklin Russell, Watchers at the pond, New York, Time Incorparated, 1966.
- Israel Cook Russell, Geological History of Lake Lahonta, A Quaternary Lake of Northwestern Nevada, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1885. *