(Notre bibliothèque / our library)
Anonymes | A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | IJK | L | M | NO | PQ | R | S | TUV | W | XYZ |
* = non consultable / not available for consultation
- John G. Samson, The pond, Ill. Victoria Blanchard, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1979.
- A. Sandhall, Insectes et petites bêtes, Paris, Nathan, 1975.
- Ezra Dwight Sanderson & C.F Jackson, Elementary Entomology, Boston, Ginn & Company, 1912.
- William Morgan Savin, Nature’s little artisans at work. The constructive ability of various insects and spiders, and the diversity of their methods in the struggle for life as observer on a New Jersey Estate, New York, William Edwin Rudge, 1926.
- Henry Scherren, Popular Natural History of the Lower Animals. (Invertebrates), Londres, The Religious Tract Society, 1908.
- Otto Schmeil, Lehrbuch der Zoologie, Stuttgart, Nägele, 1903.
- Otto Schmeil, Tierkunde, Heidelberg, Quelle & Meyer, 1967.
- Bastian Schmid, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für Haus und Schule, Leipzig, Hesse & Becker, 1926.
- Ernst Willn Schmidt, Das Aquarium, Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1911.
- Cornel Schmitt, Der Teich, Leipzig, Quelle &Meyer, circa 1925.
- Cornel Schmitt, Der Teich und sein leben, Stuttgart, Mundus, 1948.
- Malou Schneider & Marie-Jeanne Geyer (dir.), Jean-Frédéric Oberlin, Le divin ordre du monde, Strasbourg, Les Musées de la ville de Strasbourg, Editions du Rhin, 1991.
- Christian Schneiter, Vacances juraciennes, Saignelégier, Editions Jura Tourisme, 2002.
- Alfred Schubert, Praxis der Süsswasserbiologie, Berlin, Volk und Wissen Verlag, 1966.
- Georg E.F. Schulz, Natur-Urkunden. Frühlingspflanzen. Biologisch erläuterte photographische Aufnahmen frei lebender Tiere und Pflanzen, Heft 7 Insekten, Berlin, Parey, 1909.
- Ernest Schwiebert, Nymphs volume II, caddisflies, stoneflies, Guilford Connecticut, Lyon Press, 2007.
- R. Sciaky, Papillons et beaux insectes, Paris, Larousse, 1978.
- Edmund Selous, The Romance of Insect Life, Londres, Seeley & Co., 1906.*
- Millicent Ellis Selsam, Underwater Zoos, New York, William Morrow & Company, 1961.
- Léo Senden, Drames et Idylles de l’étang, Bruxelles & Paris, Collection Durendal, 1937.
- Victor E. Shelford, Animal Communities in Temperate America, Chicago,The Geographic Society of Chicago Bulletin n°5, University of Chicago Press, 1913.
- Charles L. Sherman, Nature’s wonders in full color, New York, Hanover House, 1956.
- Wanda Shipman, Animal Architects : How Animals Weave, Tunnel and Build their Remarkabl Home.Stackpole Books 1994.
- Peter Sibley,Your Wildlife Pond, Ill. Lovatt Smith, Lincs, Chalksoft, S.G.C. Books, 1993.
- Florine-Frédérique Sigel, Univers des animaux, Félix Touron, 1967.
- A. J. Silfvenius, Über dir Metamorphose einiger Phryganeiden und Limnophiliden, Helsingfors, Acta Sociatatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 21, n°4, 1902.*
- Edward Simpson, Insect lives As Told by themselves, Londres, The Religious Tract Society, circa 1910.
- Marcel Sire, Mon aquarium, L’essentiel de la faune et de la flore des étangs des environs de Paris, Paris, Centre de documentation universitaire, 1939.
- Alfred Smee, Instinct and reason deduced from Electro-Biology, Londres, Reeve Benham & Reeve, 1850.*
- Alfred Smee, My Garden : its plan and culture together with a general descriptin of its geology, botany, and natural history, Londres, Bell and Daldy, 1872.
- Samuel Smiles, Robert Dick, Baker, of Thurso, Geologist and Botanist, Londres, Murray. 1878.
- Eugene Smith, The Home Aquarium and how to care for it, New-York, E.P. Dutton &Co., 1902.*
- Fred Smith (Edit), The World of Animal Life, Londres, Blackie, 1910.
- Robin Smith, Life of the ponds and Streams in Britain, Norwich, Jarrold Publication, 1979.
- Mario Solinas, Commemorazione dell’Accademico Ordinario Giampaolo Moretti (1910-1997), Florence, Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia, 1998.*
- Etienne Souriau, Le sens artistique des animaux, L’aventure de la vie, Paris, Hachette, 1965.
- Robert Stäger, Die Baukunst der Insekten, Berne, Kümmerly & Frey Geographischer Verlag 1957.
- R. A. Staig, Stone Turning II, Photographies John A. Ballantyne, The Nature Book, Londres, Cassell and co., 1909.
- Anna Stanczykowska, Zwierzeta bezkregowe naszych wod, Varsovie,, Wydawnictwa Szkolne I Pedagogiczne, 1986.
- V.J. Stanek, Encyclopédie illustrée des insectes, Paris, Gründ, 1973.
- Karel Stastny & Vladimir Bejcek, La vie dans la montagne, Paris, Gründ, (1989), 1997.
- Henrik Steimann, Tegzesek-Trichoptera, Budapest, Akadémiai Kiado, 1970.
- Paul Steinmann, Notre Terre, Bâle, Editions Faunus, s.d.
- Edward Step, Marvels of insect life. A popular account of Structure and Habit, Londres, Hutchinson & Co., n.d.
- Edward Step, Insect artizans and their work, Londres, Hutchinson & Co., 1919.
- Edward Step, Nature rambles : An Introduction to Country-Lore, Londres & New York, F. Warme, 1930.
- Edward Step, British insect life, A Popular Introduction to Entomology, Londres, T. Werner Laurie, circa 1930.
- David Stephen & James Lockie, L’équilibre dans la nature, Paris, Flammarion, 1969.
- Dorothy Sterling, Insects and the homes they build, New-York, Doubleday & Company, 1954.
- Paul Sterry, Pond Watching, Nature Watch, Feltham Middlesex, Hamlyn Paperbacks, 1982.
- Paul Sterry, Les étangs et rivières, Guide de terrain, Paris, Casterman, 1992.
- Paul Sterry, Rivers and Ponds, Tracker Nature Guide, Chancellor Press, 2000.
- Bernard Stonehouse, La lutte pour la vie chez les animaux, Paris, Fernand Nathan, 1974.
- Bernard Stonehouse, Young Animals: Invertebrates, fish and amphibia, reptiles, birds, mammals and man, Londres, Book Club Associates, 1975.
- T. Storer, R. Usinger, R. Stebbins et J. Nybaklen, General Zoology, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973.
- Matteo Sturani, Petre, Piume e insetti, l’arte di raccontare la natura, Ill. Mario Sturani, Turin, Einaudi, 2013.
- Irina Sukatcheva, Historical development of Trichoptera, Moscou, Trudy Paleon. Inst. An USSR, 1982.
- M. Sullivan, The day of wonders, a medley of sense and non sense, Ill. W. G. Browne, Londres, Griffith and Farran, 1879.*
- Ralph B. Swain, The Insect Guide. Orders and Major Families of North American Insects, New,York, Doubleday & Company, 1948.
- William Swainson, A Treatise on Malacology ; or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell Fish, Londres, Green & Longmans, 1840.*