Literature online : U

  • -Oui, ma bonne mère- Sophie Tremadeure UlliacPhénomènes et Métamorphoses, Paris, Bibliothèque de la Jeune Fille, Didier, 1854.
  • Uncle Philip’s, Conversations-  Uncle PhilipsConversations with Young Persons, New York, J. & J. Harper, 1833, p. 73-76.
  • -Make a drawing-  Ernest E. UnwinPond problems, Cambridge, The Cambridge nature study series.  Cambridge University Press, (1914), 1934, p. 49-50.
  • Armorplate-  Jim Ure, Bait for trout, being the confessions of an unorthodox angler, Chicago, Henry Regnery company, 1973, p. 73.