- -The conventional tubular case- Charles Aubrey Ealand, Animal Ingenuity of To-Day, Philadelphie, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1921, p. 80-82.
- –The case whatever its design- Charles Aubrey Ealand, Insect Life, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1921, p. 135.
- -Taolor- Fred Eastman, The Open Book of wild life: an introduction to nature study, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1941, p. 58-60.
- -Even the gravel is alive- Rosemary Eastman, The kingfisher, Londres, Collins, 1969.
- –Why was this ?- N.S. Easton, The Swiss Cross : a monthly magazine of the Popular Sciences, vol. 3-5, New York, Juin, Hodges, 1888, p.191.
- -Neat and decorative- Dorothea Eastwood, River Diary, Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1950, p. 75
- -Symmetrical log-cabin pattern- Samuel Eddy & James Campbell Underhill, Northern fishes with special reference to the Upper Mississipi Valley, University of Minnesota Press, 1974.
- –Martiens- Jean Pierre Eeckhoudt Vanden, Ces martiens de chez nous, les insectes, Édition Art et Voyage, Paris, Lucien de Meyer, 1965.
- –The result of its labor- Otto Eggeling & Frederik Ehrenberg, The Freshwater aquarium and Its Inhabitants, A Guide for the Amateur Aquarist, New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1912, p. 298-299.
- –More than a hundred of these shells- Henry Eley, Geology in the Garden; or the Fossils in the Flint Pebbles, Londres, Bell & Daldy, 1859, p. 137-138.
- -I have observed- William Ellis, Agriculture Improved: or the Practice of Hudbandry, Londres, T. Osborne, 1746, p. 72.
- -An irresistible bait- F.O’B. Ellison, « Insect life », Hampstead Heath: its Geology and Natural History, Londres, Leipsic, 1913, p. 252.
- –Planche 105- Herbert Engel & Erich Kramer, Insectes d’Europe & Arachnides et Myriapodes, Paris, Société Française du Livre, 1960.
- -The disguise availed it nothing- Douglas English, Wee Tim’rous Beasties Studies of Animal life and Character, Londres, S.H. Bousfield & Co., 1903.
- -I think it’s a diamond- Elizabeth Enright, The Four-Story Mistake,Ill. de l’auteur, New York, Dell Publishing, 1942, p. 143-158.
- -The philosopher’s stone !- Elizabeth Enright, Gone-away Lake, New York, Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1957.
- –Decoration lost all structural meaning- Colin Metcalfe Enriquez, A Burmese Wonderland: a Tale of Travel in Lower and Upper Buma, Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co., 1922.
- -On peut récolter de curieux petits bâtons- Jacques Escalier, L’homme et la nature, Biologie 5°, Paris, Fernand Nathan, 1978.
- –Camouflage and protecting- E.O. Essig, Insects of Western North America, New York, The MacMillan Company, 1926, p. 172-173.
- –Definitive pattern- E.O. Essig, College Entomology, New York, The MacMillan Company, 1942, p. 407.
- -Each species- Vlad Evanoff, Natural Fresh Water Fishing Baits, New York, A. S. Barnes and Company, 1952, p. 55-56.
- -A good exemple- Howard E. Evans, Insect Biology, a Textbook of Entomology, Reading (MA) , Addison Wesley, 1984, p. 179.
- -Genetic instructions- Peter Evans & Geoff Deehan, The Descent of mind : The Nature and Purpose of Intelligence, Londres, Grafton, 1990, p. 139.
- -Life encased- Fred Everett, PresentingFun with Trout, Ill. Fred Everett, Harrisburg (Pa), The Stackpole, 1952.
- -In queer little stone house- Barton Warren Evermann, « Nerka, the Blueback Salmon », The world to-day: a monthly record of human progress, vol. 3, 1902, p. 2222.
- –Victorians, fairy tales and felinity- Juliana Horatia Ewing, Benjy in Beastland, Boston, Little Brown & Company, 1870.
- –What is it Molly, What have you found ?- Juliana Horatia Ewing, Week spent in a glass pond, Illustrations de R. André, Londres, Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1882.