Walter Kenyon, « Manuel Training: Its Geometry and Mensuration », The School Journal, New York & Chicago, vol. 56, n° 7, 12 février 1898, p. 185.
Archives du mot-clé clothe
Food for fishes
A. N. Cheney, « Food for Fishes », Annual Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries, Games and Forests of the State of New York, New York an Albany, vol.1, 1896, p. 109.
Francis Miles Temple Palgrave, « A List of words and phrases in every-day use by the Natives of Hetton-Le Hole in the County of Durham, », Londres, English Dialect Society, vol. 74, 1896.
His tabernacle
Anonyme, « The Caddis or Case-Fly », New York, Aquarium, vol. II, n° 25, octobre 1892, p. 6-7.
An emperor as Elagabalus
The Universal review, publié par Harry Quilter, Londres, Swann Sonnenschein, vol. 8, 1890, p. 367
It was about a quarter of two P.M. when…
Mary E. Bamford, The Second Year of the Look-about Club, Ill. Hiram Barnes, Boston, Lothrop Lee & Shepard, 1889, p. 135-143.
Don’t despise the simile and think it rough
Walter Moxon, Pilocereus Senilis and Other Papers, Londres, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1887, p. 42.
Ritualistic associations
Rev. Thomas Mozley, Reminiscences, Chiefly of Towns, Villages and Schools, vol. I, Londres, Longmans Green, 1885, p. 36.
Oh my poor
C. H. C., « Caddis talk », Unity, Chicago, vol. XIII, n° 5, 1 mai 1884, p. 97.
Geological formation
Anonyme, « Wonderful insects, Insects in Rocks », The World of wonders a record of things wonderful in nature, science and art ,Londres, Cassell, Petter & Galpin, 1883, p. 263.
George J. Romanes, Animal Intelligence, Londres, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1882, p. 240 Lire la suite
From Ceylon
Robert MacLachlan, « On caddis-worms and caddis-flies », West Kent Natural Hist. Microscopical and Photogra. Soc., 1882, p. 41-45.
They are amusing without being immoral
Charles Kingsley, The boys’ and girls’ book of science, Londres, Strahan & Co., 1881.
Joseph’s coat
Jack-in-the Pulpit, « A water-worm that builds a house », St. Nicholas for Girls and Boys, vol. VII, New York, Scribner & Co., 1880, p. 515.
The wonderful optics
Sidney Dyer, Great Wonders in little things, Philadelphie, The Bible and Publication, 1871, p. 33-37. Lire la suite