Iconography online : S

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  • Charles L. ShermanNature’s wonders in full color, New York, Hanover House, 1956.
  • Romala Showell, Learning about Insects and Small Animals, Leicerstershire, Ladybird Books, 1972.
  • Dorothy Edwards Shuttlesworth, Exploring nature with your child : an introduction to the enjoyment and understanding of nature, New York, Greystone, 1952, p. 274.
  • Peter Sibley, Your Wildlife Pond, Ill. Lovatt Smith, Lincs, Chalksoft, S.G.C. Books, 1993.
  • Henri Sicard, Éléments de Zoologie, Paris, Baillière, 1883.
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  • Larry Solomon & Eric LeiserThe Caddis and the Angler, Harrisburg, Pennsylvanie, Stackpole Books, 1977, p. 23.
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  • Louise Spilsbury, Look Inside a Pond, Chicago (Ill), Heinemann Library, 2013.
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