- –Moving of their own accord- James E. Talmage, « A Pond Excursion », Salt Lake City (Utah), The Contributor, vol. 12, Junius F. Wells, 1891, p. 342-343.
- -Elle entra dans ce reste informe de tuyau- André Talmont, Histoire des chenilles, Limoges, Marc Babou, 1884, p. 114-116.
- -Sokèt- M. Tamine, « Microtoponymie du défrichement dans les Ardennes », Nouvelle Revue d’Onomastique, Paris, 1994, p.80.
- –Own entrails- Tarn, « Alarums and Excursions, James Agate », Londres, The Spectator, 18 mars 1922, p. 340.
- -Essayer de trouver- E. Tarteret, « Classe-promenade, La rivière » Le Journal des Instituteurs et des Institutrices, Paris, 4 juillet 1931, p. 604.
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- -What ! what, what do you mean ?-Jemina Montgomery Tautphoeus, The Initials, Londres, Richard Bentley, 1853, p. 26.
- -Trout fishing- Eric Tavernier, Trout Fishing from all Angles, Londres, Seely, Service & Co., 1933, p. 127-128.
- -Caddis-grub- Eric Tavernier & John Moore, The angler’s week-end book, Ill. Margit Hamand, Londres, Seely Services & Co., 1935, p. 393.
- –Maison à pattes- Barbara Taylor, Étonnants habitats, Paris, Bayard, 1997, p. 21.
- But all of them are interesting, and seem to be perfectly aware – John Ellor Taylor,The aquarium : its inhabitants, structure & management, Londres, Hardwike, 1876, p. 109-110.
- –Pond-lover »- John Ellor Taylor, Half-hours in the green lanes : a book for a country stroll, Londres, W. H. Allen, 1884, p. 41-45.
- –Very erratic in their movements- J.E. Taylor, The Playtime Naturalist, New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 149-150.
- -The rocky streams- Rev. Richard Taylor, Te Ika a Maui or New Zealand and Its Inhabitants, Londres, William Macintosh, 1870, p. 636.
- -The utilization of local building materials- Ron Taylor, Ponds and streams, Londres, Concertina Publications, 1979, p. 32.
- -Huts of pebbles- Helen Damrosch Tee-Van, Insects are where you find them, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1963.
- –How to draw Pond Life- Vere Temple, How to draw Pond Life, Londres, The Studio Publication, 1956, p. 42-45.
- – The conscious cosmic caddis fly- Herman Tennessen, « Homo telluris : The conscious cosmic caddis fly ». in J. L. Christian (Ed.), Extra-terrestrial intelligence : The First Encounter, Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books, 1976, p. 249- 256.
- Curious appearance- Sanborn A. & Abby A. Tenney, Natural History of Animals containing Brief Descriptions of the Animals Figured on Tenney’s Natural History Tablets, but Complete Without The Tablets, New York, Charles Scribner, 1865, p.179.
- -Une fois décortiquées- Jacques Teton, Techniguide de l’Aquariophile, Ill. Christian Staebler, Paris, Nathan, 1999, p. 173.
- –Un mamelon musclé- Andrée Tétry, Les outils chez les êtes vivants, Paris, L’avenir de la science/Gallimard, 1948, p. 38.
- –Knobs of sticks- Michael Theakston revised annotated by Francis M. Walbran, British Angling Flies, Londres, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1888, p. 107.
- –On the approach of danger- Frederick Vincent Theobald, Insect Life: A Short Account of the Classification and Habits of Insects, Londres, Methuen & Co., (1896), 1905, p. 204.
- -Sologne, Orléans- Adrien Thibault, Glossaire du pays blaisois, Blois et Orléans, Herluison et chez l’auteur, 1892.
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- -Cimentés par un « mucus »- Pierre Thomas, « Un gisement d’hydrocarbure vu de l’intérieur et un trésor du patrimoine géologique français : la mine de bitume de Dallet (puy de Dôme), dite – Mine des Rois – » 2008, (publication en ligne).
- –Encasement- Arthur John Thomson, The New Natural History, vol. I, Londres, Newsnes, 1926, p. 904.
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- –Disguise- Arthur John Thomson, The outline of natural history, Londres, Newsnes, 1945, p. 625.
- –Twelve specimens- William Thomson, The Natural History of Ireland, vol. IV, Londres, Henry G. Bohn, 1856, p. 163.
- -Excursions- Henry David Thoreau, Excursions, vol 5, Boston, Houghtonn Mifflin and Company, 1863.
- -Journal- Henry David Thoreau, Journal, vol. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20, Boston, Houghtonn Mifflin, 1905.
- –Quant aux épaves- Henry David Thoreau, Walden or life in the woods, traduit de l’américain par G. Landré-Augier, Paris, Aubier, 1967.
- –There are many furrows in the sand- Henry David Thoreau, Walden or life in the woods, Boston, Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1854.
- –Clairon- Oct. Thorel, « Détails peu connus ou inédits sur les minimes d’Amiens », Bulletin de la Société des Antiquaires de Picardie, Paris et Amiens, Auguste Picard, 1924, p.78
- -In a matchbox- Adam Thorpe, Pieces of Light, Londres, Jonathan Cape, 1998.
- –Imitating exactly his form- Adam Thorpe, Is This The Way You Said?, Londres, Jonathan Cape, 2006.
- -Learning & instinct animals- W.H. Thorpe, Learning and instinct in animals, Methuen, Londres, 1956.
- –About Ted Hughes- Michael Thurston et Nigel Alderman, Reading Postwar British and Irish Poetry, Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2014
- –Coniques, droits aplatis, recourbés ou enroulés- Simon Tillier (dir.), Le règne animal, A à Z, Paris, Bordas, 1994, p. 373.
- –« Correlate »- Edward Bradford Titchener, « Functional Psychology and the Psychology of Act, II », Ithaca (New York), The American Journal of Psychology, vol. 33, 1922, p. 79.
- –Menu gravier- Robert Tocquet, L’Aventure de la vie, de l’atome à l’homme, Paris, Encyclopédie Larousse, Livre de Poche, 1967, p. 340.
- –The case wall satisfies tactile demands- C. Tomaszewski, « The principles of case building behaviour in Trichoptera » Giampaolo Moretti, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Trichoptera, 1980, La Haye, Dr W. Junk Publishers, 1981.
- – In the midst of August- Edward Topsell, The History of four-footed beasts and serpents, Londres, E. Cotes, 1658, p. 943.
- –Richard Brautigan- Rip Torn, « Blunder Brothers : A memoire », In A fisherman’s Anthology. New-York, David Seybold, 1988, p. 127-134.
- –Macroinvertebrates architects- Laurie Toupin, Freshwater Habitats Life in Freshwater Ecosystems, New York, Watts Library, Scholastic Inc., 2004, p. 30.
- -Déchets- Patricia Touyre, Observer la nature, Paris, Bordas, 1986, p. 102.
- –Fendez-le longitudinalement- Patricia Touyre, Observer la nature en promenade, Paris, France Loisirs, 1986, p. 173-174.
- –A carapace again- Philip Toynbee, The Garden to the Sea, Doubleday, New York, 1954, p. 183.
- -How does it move ?- Gilbert Haven Trafton, Biology of Home and Communauty. A Textbook for high Schools, New York, The MacMillan, 1923.
- -The interesting feature- Gilbert Haven Trafton, Nature Study and Science, New York, The MacMillan, (1927), 1929.
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- -Un art particulier- Abraham Trembley, Instructions d’un père à ses enfants sur la nature et sur la religion, Neuchâtel, Samuel Fauche, 1779.
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- –Que faire ?- Victor Van Tricht, Nos Insectes : deux causeries, Namur, Paul Godenne, 1883, p. 46-47
- –So many as ten or twelve occurring in a cubic inch- Josua Trimmer, Practical Geology and Mineralogy with Instructions for the Quality Analysis of Minerals, Londres, John W. Parker, 1841, p. 353.
- -Petits morceaux de jonc- Jules Trousset, « Article Phrygane » in Encyclopédie Usuelle des Connaissances Utiles, Paris, A la Librairie Illustrée, n. d. (fin XIX°)
- -Une paire de bottes- Roland Trumeau, Les meilleurs appâts et amorces du pêcheur, Paris, Jean-Paul Gisserot, 1989, p. 37.
- –Le systéme de protection- Jean–Pierre Turbergue (dir.), La vie secrète de la nature en France, vol. 2, Paris, Atlas, 1988.
- –Potpourri- Victor Witter Turner, On the Edge of the Bush: Anthropology as Experience, Tucson University of Arizona Press, 1985, p. 263.
- –The carbon atoms– Frederick Turner,Natural religion, New Brunswick et Londres, Transaction Publishers, 2011, p. 110.
- -Encased in a husking covering- John Turton, The Angler’s Manual, or Fly-Fisher’s Oracle, Londres, R. Groombridge, Panyer-Alley, 1836, p. 43.
- -Bizarre objects- Frances Tustin, Autistic States in Children, Londres et New York Routledge, 1992, p. 79.
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- -The debris of the past- –Kenneth Tynan, Tynan right & left: plays, fims, people, place and events, Londres, Longmans 1967, p. 268.
- –Studied by Demboswki- George Nugent Merle Tyrrell, Homo faber: a study of man’s mental evolution, Londres, Methuen, 1951.
- –In the shadow- Richard Tyrwhitt, A handbook of pictorial book, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1868, p. 361.